Is this relationship right for me?
The 5 signs that tell you that it isn’t
Having doubts about your relationship is tough.
Because you want it to work but for some reason it just doesn’t.
And it might be that
- your partner isn’t very kind, loving, respectful or emotionally available
- you feel like you constantly have to walk on eggshells to avoid upsetting your partner
- your partner tells you that you’re too much, too anxious or too sensitive
- you feel like you’re carrying the relationship and are the only adult in it
But whatever it is, there are 5 signs that it’s just not working for you anymore. Let’s find out what they are!
Are you looking forward to seeing your partner or do you feel rather indifferent?
Even in a long-term relationship, you can look forward to seeing your partner.
It might not feel like the rush of excitement you experienced in the first few months but it is there.
- You look forward to spending time with them.
- You put thought and effort into spending time with them.
- You prioritise spending time with them.
- You try to be present when you’re with them.
This shows that you want and choose to be with your partner and it’s not out of obligation or habit.
Do you feel that your partner cares about you?
You get out of a relationship what you put in.
So if you’re not happy outside of a relationship, you won’t know how to be happy inside of one.
But what if what you put in isn’t appreciated or reflected?
What if no matter how often you ask your partner to be kinder to you, more considerate, more affectionate, more intimate with you, it just falls on deaf ears? Or you are being made wrong for wanting that?
How easy is it going to be for you to remain happy when what concerns you seems to stop mattering to your partner?
Your concerns matter. A lot. They should also matter to your partner. A lot.
Do you have a special connection with your partner that feels deep and nourishing?
Or do you have a superficial relationship in which you focus on daily responsibilities and chores?
Do you make an effort to have 1–1 time?
Do you continue to court each other? To have date nights? To sneak off for a more passionate kiss or maybe something more?
Do you prioritise creating opportunities for experiencing more vulnerability, romance, passion and intimacy?
The second you start treating your partner like part of the furniture and you take them for granted, you begin to erode the special bond that drew you together.
Do you feel liked and valued as a person?
Do you feel that your partner likes and appreciates you? Does your partner compliment you, focus on your strengths and express gratitude for being who you are?
Or is there negative judgment and criticism?
A lack of tolerance for differences?
Your past being used against you?
Your values and desires questioned?
Your character attacked?
So that you simply can’t feel heard, seen and freely loved for who you are.
If that is the case, it’s time to re-evaluate!
It is not good for you to be in a relationship in which the person who is supposed to like you and think of you in the best possible light thinks of you worse than most people.
Do you have your best times with your partner or with other people?
When it comes to having fun and enjoying yourself and your life, is your partner a vital factor in this?
Is your partner your go-to person when you need emotional support or want to talk about deeper, more meaningful things?
Do you have real fun together or does your relationship look good superficially while lacking real depth, vulnerability and connection?
Your relationship will feel the most fulfilling and be affair-proof when you both make an effort to be the most special person for each other.
What Your Answers Reveal
Every NO to any of the previous questions is a sign that something isn’t right and needs to be addressed to prevent a full relationship breakdown.
It’s important to get clear on the root cause of a relationship problem or general relationship dissatisfaction to find a matching solution that can help to turn things around.
To gain more clarity around which steps to take next, request the FREE GUIDE with 5 revealing questions that will help you to determine whether you should stay or go.
Visit to download it now.
With Love, Marlena