The Individualistic Art of Inner Healing
Deep inner healing is an art.
It’s the art of connecting to yourself so that you understand what needs to be healed and why.
It’s a highly individualised process and yet, we’ve tried to fit it into the mass-produced mould of ‘one-fits-all’.
The problem is that it doesn’t work for most people and that only exacerbates the problem because if this is the healing strategy that is supposed to help me and yet it doesn’t, then maybe I am really as broken as I fear I am.
That’s your conditioning talking. Learn to dismiss it.
The reason so many healing strategies don’t work is because we try to apply them from a place of disconnection.
It’s like throwing darts in the dark without knowing where the board is and hoping that you’ll hit the Bull’s Eye.
And when you don’t, you get more and more hopeless and pessimistic about things ever changing for you.
I know what it’s like because I’ve been there.
But the second I realised that the only reason it hadn’t worked for me was because of how disconnected I was from myself (and that is a result of unprocessed trauma and not evidence for any kind of brokenness!), everything changed.
Instead of learning new healing practices and coping strategies, I put all of my energy into reconnecting with myself.
The problem was that there were no instructions.
What the hell did it even mean to connect to myself?
And how was I meant to do it if no one could tell me or teach me how to in practical ways?
Well, long story short, I figured it out through trial and error and a lot of heartache and frustration that ultimately ended in triumph.
And then I had the privilege to teach it to my private clients and when I saw that it worked for them too and transformed their lives in ways they and I never thought possible, I knew I had discovered something powerful.
Deep inner healing is the experience of a lifetime. It is a huge achievement, a transformative process and such an important part of our human evolution.
To me, it is the ultimate outcome.
But it is also the ultimate tool that allows you to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamt of: the Epic Love relationships, the success, the massive income leaps, the scalable 6 figure business, the enviable career, the dream home, the freedom lifestyle … all of it starts with inner healing and then getting into alignment.
All of these share one common denominator: being fully connected to yourself.
I’d love to guide you on this journey of a lifetime that will allow you to make your dreams come true from a place of conscious connection and self-leadership.
I invite you to join my Fully Connected program on my website.
With Love